Bacteria Love A Dirty CPAP Machine

Table of Contents

When most people think of breathing, they think of their nose, and their thoughts pretty much end there. The reasons that people who are overweight, and like a lot of men who carry an awful lot of excess weight in their abdominal region, cannot breathe is because when they lie to go to bad, their stomach causes breathing complications. The diaphragm, which is right below the cavity in our bodies that contains our lungs, cannot expand once the pressure of abdominal presses against it. This is why men disproportionately suffer from obstructive sleep apnea far more than women do.

This means that men are disproportionately using continuous positive airway pressure machines (CPAP). This is an unfortunate confluence of events as these machines require regular cleaning to rid environmental bacteria that make their home in CPAP filters, where they can reside in-perpetuity unless it is cleaned.


They love warm environments. The only thing they love more than warm environments are wet, warm environments. They will make their home in these environments, will reproduce, and reside their until someone tells them to leave. With CPAP machines, not only do they get a wet, cozy place to live, they also get to take a nice ride into the lungs of human beings every night. Of course, our bodies can generally fight this off, but then your body is charged with the task of eliminating invaders that a simple cleaning of the CPAP filter would take care of, you want to take that off the list of jobs that your body has to do. Rest assured, bacteria cannot be seen, heard, smelled or tasted, yet they are omnipresent invaders that often times can be pathogenic under the right circumstances. VirtuaCLEAN CPAP Cleaner is something that every person with a CPAP machine should have.

Busy Lives

Sleeping is the most luxurious things we do. It is loved by billions and it is necessary for us to function at our best. During the day, everyone is on the move, so getting home at night and crawling into bed is the favorite part of the day for most people. Most of us do not get enough sleep, so spending time, even just 10 or 15 minutes, cleaning out the CPAP machine every night is likely a task that interests few people. Keeping a CPAP machine clean is a fundamental imperative. No one should be interested whatsoever in inviting deleterious pathogens into their lungs every night. This is also why CPAP cleaner and sanitizer products are on the market today.


Thankfully some clever companies decided to help those that are too busy to clean their CPAP machines. VIrtuCLEAN CPAP Cleaner was designed with busy people in mind. It is wireless, it is diminutive, it is easy-to-use, it is quiet and it kills 99% of bacteria in CPAP machines. Using a CPAP cleaner and sanitizer is necessary. It should not be ignored, especially when making sure it is clean has become a very easy thing to accomplish with VirtuCLEAN CPAP Cleaner.
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